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Hofvijver Den Haag

Onderwijsbonden stappen uit overleg passend onderwijs

This week, the General Education Union (AOb) , the CNV and the Teachers’ Collective announced that they were withdrawing from consultations with the ministry on appropriate education. The reason for this is that the voices of teachers and support staff are not sufficiently heard in discussions about appropriate and inclusive education. The 25 improvement measures that the ministry is currently implementing have a number of good aspects, but the problem remains that little or nothing is noticeable in the classroom.

Steun van ouders- en leerlingorganisaties

Balans, like Ouder& Onderwijs , LBVSO and Elke(in), recognizes the signal that the teacher organizations are sending. In the plans for improving appropriate education, the emphasis is mainly on improvements outside the classroom, while teachers, parents and students have consistently indicated that improvements should be noticeable at classroom level. This includes providing better support to teachers, reducing workload, working on smaller classes and paying attention to appropriate education in teacher training. As long as the improvement plans do not produce noticeable improvements in practice in the classroom, we will not see any fundamental improvement for students and their parents.

Brief aan onderwijsminister Wiersma

Balans, Ouders&Onderwijs and Elke(in) have therefore sent a letter to Education Minister Wiersma in which we urgently ask him to re-engage with representatives of teachers and support staff and to take their concerns seriously. And we ask for visible improvements to be made in the school that will provide better support for students who need it.

Read the letter sent to the Minister here .

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